About Us...

History of the Lafayette County Press
Tommy Goodwin, a lifelong resident of Stamps, Arkansas and Lucy Porter, of Marshall, Texas, met on the Internet in the Summer of 1996. Tommy was the owner of a small print shop in Stamps and Lucy was a writing student in Marshall. After marrying in June, 1997, all the ingredients were in place for what was to come.

In the summer of 1997, Lucy saw the need for a County newspaper in Lafayette County that was in and part of the county and would cover local events and news. With this goal in mind, she produced the first issue of the Lafayette County Press, which went on the stands on August 7, 1997. From the very first week, the paper was a huge success. After one year, the paper received legal status with the acceptance to the Arkansas Press Association. As of October 1, 2003, total paid circulation averages about 1550 weekly and still growing. Keeping in mind the belief that the public wants more local coverage from a local viewpoint, the Lafayette County Press strives to continue "Informing Our Community Family".

Tommy and Lucy Goodwin

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